Section: New Results

Consistency protocols

Participants : Marc Shapiro [correspondent] , Tyler Crain, Mahsa Najafzadeh, Marek Zawirski, Alejandro Tomsic.

Static Reasoning About Consistency, and associated tools

Large-scale distributed systems often rely on replicated databases that allow a programmer to request different data consistency guarantees for different operations, and thereby control their performance. Using such databases is far from trivial: requesting stronger consistency in too many places may hurt performance, and requesting it in too few places may violate correctness. To help programmers in this task, we propose the first proof rule for establishing that a particular choice of consistency guarantees for various operations on a replicated database is enough to ensure the preservation of a given data integrity invariant. Our rule is modular: it allows reasoning about the behaviour of every operation separately under some assumption on the behaviour of other operations. This leads to simple reasoning, which we have automated in an SMT-based tool. We present a nontrivial proof of soundness of our rule and illustrate its use on several examples.

The intuition was presented at EuroSys 2015 [47]. We present the full theory and proofs in the POPL 2016 paper “'Cause I'm Strong Enough: Reasoning about Consistency Choices in Distributed Systems” [30]. The proof procedure and tool are described in PaPoC 2016 paper “The CISE Tool: Proving Weakly-Consistent Applications Correct” [34] and a YouTube video [48]. It is also the focus of Mahsa Najafzadeh's PhD thesis [3].

Scalable consistency protocols

Developers of cloud-scale applications face a difficult decision of which kind of storage to use, summarised by the CAP theorem. Currently the choice is between classical CP databases, which provide strong guarantees but are slow, expensive, and unavailable under partition; and NoSQL-style AP databases, which are fast and available, but too hard to program against. We present an alternative: Cure provides the highest level of guarantees that remains compatible with availability. These guarantees include: causal consistency (no ordering anomalies), atomicity (consistent multi-key updates), and support for high-level data types (developer friendly API) with safe resolution of concurrent updates (guaranteeing convergence). These guarantees minimise the anomalies caused by parallelism and distribution, thus facilitating the development of applications. This paper presents the protocols for highly available transactions, and an experimental evaluation showing that Cure is able to achieve scalability similar to eventually- consistent NoSQL databases, while providing stronger guarantees.

This work is published under the title “Cure: Strong semantics meets high availability and low latency” at ICDCS 2016 [18].

Lightweight, correct causal consistency

Non-Monotonic Snapshot Isolation (NMSI), a variant of the widely deployed Snapshot Isolation (SI), aims at improving scalability by relaxing snapshots. In contrast to SI, NMSI snapshots are causally consistent, which allows for more parallelism and a reduced abort rate.

This work documents the design of PhysiCS-NMSI, a transactional protocol implementing NMSI in a partitioned data store. It is the first protocol to rely on a single scalar taken from a physical clock for tracking causal dependencies and building causally consistent snapshots. Its commit protocol ensures atomicity and the absence of write-write conflicts. Our PhysiCS-NMSI approach increases concurrency and reduces abort rate and metadata overhead as compared to state-of-art systems.

The paper “PhysiCS-NMSI: efficient consistent snapshots for scalable snapshot isolation” is published at PaPoC 2016 [36].

Reconciling consistency and scalability

Geo-replicated storage systems are at the core of current Internet services. Unfortunately, there exists a fundamental tension between consistency and performance for offering scalable geo-replication. Weakening consistency semantics leads to less coordination and consequently a good user experience, but it may introduce anomalies such as state divergence and invariant violation. In contrast, maintaining stronger consistency precludes anomalies but requires more coordination. This paper discusses two main contributions to address this tension. First, RedBlue Consistency enables blue operations to be fast (and weakly consistent) while the remaining red operations are strongly consistent (and slow). We identify sufficient conditions for determining when operations can be blue or must be red. Second, Explicit Consistency further increases the space of operations that can be fast by restricting the concurrent execution of only the operations that can break application-defined invariants. We further show how to allow operations to complete locally in the common case, by relying on a reservation system that moves coordination off the critical path of operation execution.

The paper “Geo-Replication: Fast If Possible, Consistent If Necessary” is published in the IEEE CS Data Engineering Bulletin of March 2016 [5].

Consistency in 3D

Comparisons of different consistency models often try to place them in a linear strong-to-weak order. However this view is clearly inadequate, since it is well known, for instance, that Snapshot Isolation and Serialisability are incomparable. In the interest of a better understanding, we propose a new classification, along three dimensions, related to: a total order of writes, a causal order of reads, and transactional composition of multiple operations. A model may be stronger than another on one dimension and weaker on another. We believe that this new classification scheme is both scientifically sound and has good explicative value. We presents the three-dimensional design space intuitively.

This work was presented as an invited keynote paper at Concur 2016 [17].

Scalable consistency protocols

Collaborative text editing systems allow users to concurrently edit a shared document, inserting and deleting elements (e.g., characters or lines). There are a number of protocols for collaborative text editing, but so far there has been no precise specification of their desired behavior, and several of these protocols have been shown not to satisfy even basic expectations. This work provides a precise specification of a replicated list object, which models the core functionality of replicated systems for collaborative text editing. We define a strong list specification, which we prove is implemented by an existing protocol, as well as a weak list specification, which admits additional protocol behaviors.

A major factor determining the efficiency and practical feasibility of a collaborative text editing protocol is the space overhead of the metadata that the protocol must maintain to ensure correctness. We show that for a large class of list protocols, implementing either the strong or the weak list specification requires a metadata overhead that is at least linear in the number of elements deleted from the list. The class of protocols to which this lower bound applies includes all list protocols that we are aware of, and we show that one of these protocols almost matches the bound.

This work is published at PODC 2016 [21].

Highly-responsive CRDTs for group editing

Group editing is a crucial feature for many end-user applications. It requires high responsiveness, which can be provided only by optimistic replication algorithms, which come in two classes: classical Operational Transformation (OT), or more recent Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs).

Typically, CRDTs perform better on *downstream* operations, i.e., when merging concurrent operations than OT, because the former have logarithmic complexity and the latter quadratic. However, CRDTs are often less responsive, because their *upstream* complexity is linear. To improve this, this paper proposes to interpose an auxiliary data structure, called the *identifier data structure* in front of the base CRDT. The identifier structure ensures logarithmic complexity and does not require replication or synchronization. Combined with a block-wise storage approach, this approach improves upstream execution time by several orders of magnitude, with negligeable impact on memory occupation, network bandwidth, and downstream execution performance.

This work is published at ACM Group 2016 [27].